North-Eastern Côte d’Ivoire: between illicit economies and violent extremism
A Talk by Oumarou Paul Koalaga , William Assanvo , Parfait N'Goran , Mouhamadou Kane and Flore Berger
About this Talk
This is the launch event for the GI-TOC report “North-eastern Côte d’Ivoire: between illicit economies and violent extremism”. Since 2020, north-eastern Côte d’Ivoire, and in particular in and around the Comoé National Park, has been vulnerable to violent extremism expansion. There have been numerous threats and intimidations against the population and direct or indirect attacks on the defense and security forces. In parallel, the region experienced an increase in criminal activities such as highway robberies, cattle rustling, kidnappings, and artisanal gold mining, with the park playing a strategic role. This report analyses the complex relationship between illicit economies and violent extremism and highlights the key role of illicit economies in armed groups’ strategy, both in terms of financing and expansion.