Giovanni Falcone and Italian society's fight against Cosa Nostra
A Talk by Ruggero Scaturro , Mark Shaw , Francesco Testa , Jean-Luc Lemahieu , Anna Alvazzi del Frate , Amb. Alessandro Cortese , Maria Vittoria De Simone and Riikka Puttonen
About this Talk
This event will explore Italy’s experiences in combatting the mafia and transnational organized crime, with a focus on the efforts of prominent judicial figures such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, and how all sectors of society have played a role in the common struggle.
The event will consist of a panel discussion including representatives of Italy, GI-TOC, UNODC and civil society, and a presentation of the new GI-TOC Report “Once upon a time in Palermo: Giovanni Falcone and the fight against Cosa Nostra”.
Amb. Alessandro Cortese - Permanent Representative of Italy to the International Organizations in Vienna
Mark Shaw - Director, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Jean-Luc Lemahieu - Director of the Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, UNODC
Ruggero Scaturro - Analyst, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Maria Vittoria De Simone - Deputy Prosecutor, Italian National Antimafia and Counterterrorism Directorate
Riikka Puttonen - Programme manager of the global programme on implementation of the UNTOC, UNODC
Anna Alvazzi del Frate - Chair, The Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice
Francesco Testa - Italian Public Prosecutor and European Delegated Prosecutor