31st CCPCJ Side Event: Integrated strategy for effective governance of global crime: UNTOC, UNCAC, Rule of Law and Sustainable Development Goals
A Talk by Ian Tennant , Jessica Jahn , Yvon Dandurand , Ambassador Ugljesa Ugi Zvekic , Slawomir Redo , Gillian Dell and Megan Capp
About this Talk
Today UNTOC, UNCAC and the SDGs each come under their own, separate governance bodies, while the crimes they are designed to address: transnational organized crime and transnational organized corruption, are fully and effectively interwoven. In a similar vein, the SDGs and in particular Goal 16 targets 16.4 and 16.5, are not informed by the impact of these two mega-conventions. How can the international community coordinate the work of the three international mega – anticrime and developmental instruments ? And what is the role of civil society in building a bridge between the processes?