Robert Peacock
President of the World Society of Victimology
About this speaker
Prof. dr. Robert Peacock is the President of the World Society of Victimology and Academic Head of the Department of Criminology at the University of the Free State, South Africa. Since the apartheid years in South Africa he has been working actively in the field of the Victimology of State Crime with Transitional Justice also a focus area. He has been enjoying ministerial appointment to the Department of Correctional Services and as a National Research Foundation (NRF)-rated scientist he has been playing an active role within the scientific community with the presentation of research findings at various prestigious regional and international symposia. He is invited regularly by Higher Education institutions as a visiting professor across the globe. Prof Peacock has been the recipient of a number of awards (honorary academic colours, media publication awards, study and teaching awards) and is the author of several scientific publications (in English, Spanish and Afrikaans). He serves regularly on the scientific committees of international and local symposia, conferences and as an editorial board member of international scientific journals. Prof Peacock is the editor of the text Victimology in Africa (2019) that highlights the need to engage critically within a broader ontological and epistemological framework to re-conceptualise victimisation patterns beyond the boundaries of conventional victimology.