Nina Kaysser

Head of Data, GI-TOC

About this speaker

Nina Kaysser is Head of Data at the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC). Her work focusses on enhancing the (quantitative) evidence base of organized crime. Currently, she works on the EU-funded ECO-SOLVE project, where she leads the work stream on the use of data and tech for disrupting illegal wildlife trade. She joined GI-TOC in 2017 as part of the core team developing the (Global) Organized Crime Index, where she also coordinates a paper series on measuring organized crime. Previously, she worked on the IUU Fishing Index, on measuring irregular migration, and on a global database on contract killings – the Global Assassination Monitor. Before joining the Global Initiative, she was a Research Analyst at the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (ACLED) project. She holds a PhD in Development Studies and a MSc in Development Economics from SOAS, University of London.

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