Michelle Foley

HRD Memorial Project Coordinator - Front Line Defenders

About this speaker

Taking on the role of Memorial Project Coordinator in 2020, Michelle works with a network of international partners to document, commemorate and celebrate the lives of HRDs who have been killed since the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders came into effect in 1998. She also manages Long Term Cases - a campaign to ensure that defenders serving long, unjust prison sentences remain in the spotlight. Michelle joined Front Line Defenders in 2009 and from then until 2019 she was the Events & Promotions Coordinator with responsibility for producing the annual FLD Award and the biennial Dublin Platform. Prior to joining the team, Michelle worked on a number of in-country development projects in South Africa and Kenya.

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Launch of the Global Assassination Monitor #AssassinationWitness

17 November 2021, 02:00 PM
Andrew Caruana Galizia Mark Shaw Michelle Foley Fiona Marshall Ana Paula Oliveira Nina Kaysser