Bruno Morais

Executive Coordinator, Instituto Sucupira Socioenvironmental Lawyer, Anthropologist

Instituto Sucupira

About this speaker

A lawyer and an anthropologist, with over 15 years of experience providing legal counsel and consulting services to civil society organizations focused on socioenvironmental issues.

As a founding partner of Morais & Azanha Socioenvironmental Law, a firm specialized in socio-environmental rights, and Sucupira Socioambiental, a consultancy that integrates applied science with social participation to enhance business and ensure effective public policies, he focuses on supporting community-based and civil society organizations, international agencies, and governments.

He has consulted and advised numerous Brazilian and foreign organizations, working throughout Brazil, and in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Chile. From 2021 to 2023, he served as the chair of criminal law at the Federal University of West Pará, where he taught and supervised research on the activities of international criminal networks in the Amazon. He was also a fellow in the Bertha Challenge 2023, sponsored by the Bertha Foundation.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in law and legal sciences from the University of São Paulo, a specialization in Environmental Law and Strategic Management of Sustainability from the Pontifical University of São Paulo, and a master’s degree in sciences from the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo. Additionally, he has an MBA in Project Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.

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New Frontiers in the Fight Against Environmental and Wildlife Crimes

03 October 2024, 12:00 PM
Mark Shaw Louise Taylor Ofir Drori Thin Lei Win Julian Rademeyer Lionel Hachemin Jose Louies Salvatore Amato Nina Kaysser Claudelice Dos Santos Bruno Morais Adams Cassinga Yan Naung Oak