Babette Ullemeyer

German Development Cooperation, GIZ

About this speaker

Babette Ullemeyer currently works in the sector program Peace and Security and disaster risk management. She studied peace and conflict studies at Goethe University in Frankfurt and at the same time was trained to become a mediator. In her studies as well as her work, she focuses on Peacebuildung and Transitional Justice approaches in the MENA region, the Balkans and Latin America. After her work in a programme to support the peace process in Colombia and then managing transitional development assistance projects, she now works as an advisor in the above mentioned sector programme at GIZ. 

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From gang curfews to predation: Criminal governance during COVID in five cities

30 November 2021, 02:00 PM
Antônio Sampaio Juan José Martínez d’Aubuisson Lindy Mtongana Babette Ullemeyer